
Francesca Pozzi - General Manager Federico Fortin - Event Manager Santi Amato - Revenue e Sales Manager Riccardo De Santis - Resident Manager Simone Lezzerini - Chef Daniele Fantini - Front Office Manager Luigi Rella - Front Office Manager Fulvio Calabria - Receptionist Maddalena Calabrò - Housekeeping Dalila Martinez - Housekeeping


Location Tuscia has a magic: it preserves the ancient spirito f its land which continue sto speak by details and to be heard by those who walk in silence under the sky…TheBorgo di Sutriis a beautiful place, where we brathe every day sophistication, history and art. Naturally, the buindings have been modernized, but as a … Continue reading "Location"


The consacrated Church Nostra Signora di Lourdes is the name of the Church to be found on the grounds of the Antico Borgo di Sutri. Completely repainted in January 2016, it serve as unideal location to seal or renew its own love, surrounded by the warmth and affection of relatives and friends. The hallowed Chapel … Continue reading "Church"


WeddingsIMAGIN. THAN OPEN YOUR EYES The Antico Borgo di Sutri is the ideal location to marry: in one place the ceremony (simbolic, civil or religious), party and hospitality! Step by step we plan and realize the wedding you’ve always dreamt about. We work toghether with the best professional in the event and wedding business in … Continue reading "Weddings"



Events & Meetings

Location for Business Events BUSINESS EVENTS AND MEETINGS The Antico Borgo di Sutri is the ideal location for any kind of business event. There are two rooms which can host up to 60 either 300 guests respectively as well as outdoor spaces for team building activities.Elegance and privacy in a location a few kilometres from … Continue reading "Events & Meetings"


Eventi LA LOCATION PER I TUOI EVENTI Location per Eventi Aziendali L’Antico Borgo di Sutri è la location ideale per sposarsi: in un unico posto il rito, il ricevimento e l’ospitalità! L’Antico Borgo di Sutri è lo spazio ideale per ogni evento aziendale. Due sale, che possono ospitare rispettivamente 60 e 300 persone, e spazio … Continue reading "Ricevimenti"


Ristorante Antico Borgo di Sutri QUALITÀ E GUSTO Tradizione, Ricercatezza e Gusto Immerso nella campagna e circondato dal verde L'Antico Borgo è dotato di una cucina professionale (200 mq) attrezzata con macchine di ultima generazione.